L-istand tal-kompjuter jista 'jżid l-għoli tal-kompjuter, sabiex l-utent ikun jista' juża l-kompjuter b'mod aktar komdu, u jgħin ukoll biex itejjeb il-qagħda tax-xogħol tal-utent. Barra minn hekk, l-istand tal-kompjuter jista 'wkoll itejjeb il-prestazzjoni tat-tkessiħ tal-kompjuter, u b'hekk itejjeb......
Aqra iktarRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses energy from an electromagnetic field to power a small chip that sends out a response message. For example, an RFID chip in a credit card contains the information needed to authorize a transaction, and an RFID chip in an access card has a code to ......
Aqra iktar